Group Study Rooms
The purpose of the group study rooms is to provide a quiet space where students can conduct group study sessions and work on group projects. The group study rooms are not designed to be used as an office space, a private tutoring space, or an individual study space.
- Group study rooms are for the exclusive use of current VCC students and employees
- Faculty/Staff requiring a meeting or office space should contact or fill up the Room Booking Form on myVCC
- Group study rooms may be booked for small groups (minimum of 2 people)
- Bookings will only be accepted up to 2 weeks in advance
- Group study rooms may be booked for 2 hours per day
- Groups may remain in the study room if, at the end of the 2 hour block, the room has not been booked by another group
- Rooms not occupied within the first 15 minutes of a scheduled time are available for anyone to book or use
- Rooms may be booked at the Library Service Desk in person with the presentation of a valid VCC ID card, or by phone
- The Library reserves the right to limit or cancel bookings